Professional nursing practice : concepts and perspectives /

"As the demands of the health care system are continuously changing nurses are required to function in all the professional nurse roles of health care provider, health promoter, teacher-learner, leader-manager, research consumer, advocate, colleague, and collaborator. The sixth edition of Profe...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Blais, Kathleen
Other Authors: Hayes, Janice S
Format: Book
Published: Boston : Pearson, [2011], ©2011
Boston : c2011
Edition:6th ed
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Table of Contents:
  • Beginning the journey
  • Socialization to professional nursing roles
  • Historical foundations of professional nursing
  • Ethical foundations of professional nursing
  • Legal foundations of professional nursing
  • Theoretical foundations of professional nursing
  • The nurse as health promoter and care provider
  • The nurse as learner and teacher
  • The nurse as leader and manager
  • The nurse as research consumer
  • The nurse as political advocate
  • The nurse as colleague and collaborator
  • Communication
  • Change process
  • Group process -
  • Technology and informatics
  • Nursing in an evolving health care delivery system
  • Health care economics
  • Providing care in the home and community
  • Dimensions of holistic health care
  • Nursing in a culturally diverse world
  • Nursing in a spiritually diverse world
  • Nursing in a culture of violence
  • Advanced nursing education and practice
  • Visions for the future
  • Chapter 1 Beginning the Journey
  • Factors in Society that Promote the Nurse's Return to School
  • Changing Trends of Nursing as a Profession
  • Factors in the Profession that Influence the Nurse's Return to School
  • Credentialing Requirements
  • Professional Role Transitions
  • Bridges' Model of Transition
  • Spencer and Adams' Model of Transition
  • What Will It Take to Get There: Overcoming Barriers
  • Time Management
  • Money
  • Social Supports
  • Working with Faculty
  • Technological Skills
  • Study Skills
  • Pedagogic Features for using this Text
  • References
  • Unit I. Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice
  • Chapter 2. Socialization to Professional Nursing Roles
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Professionalism
  • Nursing as a Discipline and Profession
  • Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice
  • Professional Socialization
  • Critical Values of Professional Nursing
  • The Initial Process of Professional Socialization
  • Ongoing Professional Socialization and Resocialization
  • Role Theory
  • Elements of Roles
  • Boundaries for Nursing Roles
  • Role Stress and Role Strain
  • Stress Reduction Strategies
  • Managing Role Stress and Role Strain
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 3. Historical Foundations of Professional Nursing
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Nursing in Primitive Societies
  • Nursing in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Role of Religion in the Development of Nursing
  • The Development of Modern Nursing
  • The Development of Nursing in the Americas
  • Historical Leaders in Nursing
  • The Founders
  • The Men
  • The Risk Takers
  • The Social Reformers
  • Nursing: A History of Caring
  • The Development of Professional Nursing Organizations
  • American Nurses Association
  • National Student Nurses' Association
  • National League for Nursing
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing
  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • International Council of Nurses
  • Sigma Theta Tau International
  • Specialty Nursing Organizations
  • Special-Interest Organizations
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 4. Ethical Foundations of Professional Nursing
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Values Conflicts
  • Ethical-Legal Conflicts
  • Values
  • Values Transmission
  • Values Clarification
  • Identifying Personal Values
  • Helping Clients Identify Values
  • Moral and Ethical Behavior
  • Moral Development
  • Kohlberg
  • Gilligan
  • Moral and Ethical Theories or Frameworks
  • Moral and Ethical Principles
  • Ethics in Nursing
  • Nursing Codes of Ethics
  • Types of Ethical Problems
  • Making Ethical Decisions
  • Specific Ethical Issues
  • Strategies to Enhance Ethical Decision Making
  • Advocacy
  • The Advocacy Role
  • Professional/Public Advocacy
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 5. Legal Foundations of Professional Nursing
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Judicial System
  • Constitutions
  • Statutes
  • Administrative Laws
  • Decisions of Court
  • Types of Legal Actions
  • Safeguarding the Public
  • Credentialing
  • Licensure
  • Registration
  • Certification
  • Accreditation
  • Standards of Care
  • Potential Liability Areas
  • Negligence and Malpractice
  • Documentation
  • Delegation
  • Restraints
  • Informed Consent
  • Adverse Events and Risk Management
  • Wills
  • Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders
  • Advance Health Care Directives
  • Euthanasia
  • Death and Related Issues
  • Organ Donation
  • Inquest
  • The Impaired Nurse
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Nurses as Witnesses
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 6. Theoretical Foundations of Professional Nursing
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Worldviews and Knowledge Development
  • Defining Terms
  • Theory Development in Nursing
  • Overview of Selected Nursing Theories
  • Nightingale's Environmental Theory
  • Peplau's Interpersonal Relations Model
  • Henderson's Definition of Nursing
  • Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings
  • Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing
  • King's Goal-Attainment Theory
  • Neuman Systems Model
  • Roy's Adaptation Model
  • Benner's Novice to Expert
  • The Caring Theorists
  • Middle Range Theory
  • One Model Versus Several Models
  • Relationship of Theories to the Nursing Process and Research
  • Summary
  • References
  • Unit II. Professional Nursing Roles
  • Chapter 7. The Nurse as Health Promoter and Care Provider
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Defining Health Promotion
  • Healthy People 2010
  • Increasing Quality and Years of Healthy Life
  • Eliminating Health Disparities
  • Health-Promotion Activities
  • Types of Health-Promotion Programs
  • Sites for Health-Promotion Activities
  • Health-Promotion Models
  • Pender's Health-Promotion Model
  • Kulbok's Resource Model of Preventive Health Behavior
  • Neuman Systems Model
  • Stages of Health Behavior Change
  • The Nurse's Role in Health Promotion
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 8. The Nurse as Learner and Teacher
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Nurses as Learners
  • The Learning Process
  • Theories of Learning
  • Social Learning Theory
  • Applying Learning Theories
  • Cognitive Learning Processes
  • Factors Facilitating Learning
  • Factors Inhibiting Learning
  • Nurses as Teachers
  • The Art of Teaching
  • Guidelines for Learning and Teaching
  • Assessing Learning Needs
  • Planning Content and Teaching Strategies
  • Implementing a Teaching Plan
  • Evaluating Learning and Teaching
  • Special Teaching Strategies
  • Transcultural Client Teaching
  • Documentation of Teaching
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 9. The Nurse as Leader and Manager
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Nursing Leadership
  • Leadership Characteristics
  • Leadership Style
  • Nursing Management
  • Theories of Management Style
  • Management Competencies
  • Management Roles
  • Nursing Delivery Models
  • Total Patient Care
  • Functional Method
  • Team Nursing
  • Primary Nursing
  • Case Management
  • Managed Care
  • Differentiated Practice
  • Shared Governance
  • Mentors and Preceptors
  • Networking
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 10. The Nurse as Research Consumer
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Empirical Nursing Knowledge
  • Research in Nursing
  • Roles in Research
  • Historical Perspective
  • Ethical Concerns
  • Approaches in Nursing Research
  • Using Research in Practice
  • Critiquing Research Reports
  • Translational Research
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 11. The Nurse as Political Advocate
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Power
  • Empowerment
  • Sources of Power
  • Caring Types of Power
  • Laws of Power
  • Politics
  • Nursing and Political Action
  • Strategies to Influence Political Decisions
  • Developing Political Astuteness and Skill
  • Seeking Opportunities for Political Action
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 12. The Nurse as Colleague and Collaborator
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Collaborative Health Care
  • Collaborative Practice
  • The Nurse as a Collaborator
  • Benefits of Collaborative Care
  • Competencies Basic to Collaboration
  • Communication Skills
  • Mutual Respect and Trust
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Decision Making
  • Conflict Management
  • Interdisciplinary Health Care
  • Factors Leading to the Need for Increased Collegiality and Collaboration
  • Health Care Consumers
  • Self-Help Initiatives
  • Changing Demographics and Epidemiology
  • Health Care Access
  • Technological Advances
  • Interdisciplinary focus
  • Summary
  • References
  • Unit III. Processes Guiding Professional Practice
  • Chapter 13. Communication
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Definitions of Communication
  • The Communication Process
  • Sender
  • Message
  • Channel
  • Receiver
  • Response
  • Events that Promoted Nursing's Growth and Development
  • Events that Have Indirectly Affected Nursing
  • Social Movements and Technological Initiatives that Have Affected Nursing
  • Future Events that Will Affect Nursing
  • Information Technology and its Effect on Health and Nursing Care
  • Health Care System Changes
  • Regulatory Changes
  • Continued Medical, Surgical, and Pharmacological Advances
  • Past Lessons that Can Help Nurses in the Future
  • Visions of Tomorrow
  • Summary
  • References
  • Factors Influencing the Communication Process
  • Developmental Stage
  • Gender
  • Roles and Relationships
  • Sociocultural Characteristics
  • Values and Perceptions
  • Space and Territoriality
  • Environment
  • Congruence
  • Interpersonal Attitudes
  • Types of Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Therapeutic Communication
  • Written Communication
  • Barriers to Communication
  • Nursing Documentation
  • Methods of Documentation
  • Communication Through Technology
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 14 Change Process
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Meanings and Types of Change
  • Spontaneous Change
  • Developmental Change
  • Planned Change
  • Change Theory
  • Approaches to Planned Change
  • Change Strategies
  • Frameworks for Change
  • Managing Change
  • Change Agent
  • Coping with Change
  • Resistance to Change
  • Examples of Change
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 15. Group Process
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Groups
  • Types of Groups
  • Functions of Groups
  • Levels of Group Formality
  • Group Development
  • Group Process
  • Commitment
  • Leadership Style
  • Decision-Making Methods
  • Member Behaviors
  • Interaction Patterns
  • Cohesiveness
  • Power
  • Facilitating Group Discussion
  • Group Problems
  • Monopolizing
  • Conflict
  • Groupthink
  • Scapegoating
  • Silence and Apathy
  • Transference and Countertransference
  • Types of HealthCare Groups
  • Committees or Teams
  • Task Forces
  • Teaching Groups
  • Self-Help Groups
  • Self-Awareness/Growth Groups
  • Therapy Groups
  • Work-Related Social Support Groups
  • Inter-Professional Groups
  • Professional Nursing Organizations
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 16. Technology and Informatics
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Nursing Informatics, HealthCare Informatics, and Technology
  • Nursing Roles and Education
  • Technology and Informatics
  • Informatics Frameworks
  • Issues Related to Information Technology
  • Ethical Concerns
  • Confidentiality of Medical Records and Data
  • Data Integrity
  • Caring in a High-Tech Environment
  • The Technology Explosion
  • Evolution of Technology
  • Computer Technology in Practice, Education, Research, and Administration
  • Current Applications of Information Technology in Practice
  • Physician Order Entry
  • Clinical Information Systems
  • Wireless and Portable Devices
  • Computer-Based Patient Record
  • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Telehealth
  • Summary
  • References
  • Unit IV. Professional Nursing in a Changing Health Care Delivery System
  • Chapter 17. Nursing in an Evolving Health Care Delivery System
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Selected Issues
  • Cost-Containment Strategies
  • Access to Health Care
  • Concepts of Health, Wellness, and Well-Being
  • Health
  • Wellness and Well-Being
  • Illness and Disease
  • Models of Health and Wellness
  • Leavell and Clark's Agent-Host-Environment Model
  • Dunn's Levels of Wellness
  • Health and Wellness Continuum
  • Health Status, Beliefs, and Behaviors
  • Health Belief Models
  • Health Locus of Control Model
  • Rosenstock and Becker's Health Belief Model
  • International Initiatives for Health and Wellness
  • Nursing in an Era of Shortage
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 18. Health Care Economics
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Issues
  • Demand versus Supply of Health Care
  • Paying for Health Care
  • Separate Billing for Nursing Services
  • Cost-Containment Strategies
  • Competition
  • Price Controls
  • Alternative Delivery Systems
  • Managed Care
  • Vertically Integrated Health Services Organizations
  • Health Care Economics
  • Billing Methods
  • Payment Sources in the United States
  • The International Pespective
  • Voluntary Insurance and the United States
  • Nursing Economics
  • The Nursing Shortages
  • Financial Management
  • Profit versus Not-for-Profit Organizations
  • Costs and Budgeting
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 19. Providing Care in the Home and Community
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Home Health Nursing
  • Definitions of Home Health Nursing
  • Perspectives of Home Health Nursing
  • Applying the Nursing Process in the Home
  • Differences Between Home Health Nursing and Hospital Nursing
  • Community Nursing
  • Definitions of Community and Community Nursing
  • Settings for Community-Based Nursing Practice
  • Nursing in Rural Communities
  • Applying the Nursing Process in the Community
  • Assessing
  • Diagnosing
  • Planning and Implementing
  • Evaluating
  • Integration of Home, Community, and Public Health Nursing
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 20. Dimensions of Holistic Health Care
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Expanding View of Health Care
  • Holistic Nursing
  • The Expanding View of Comprehensive Health Care
  • Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Health Promotion
  • The Healthy People Initiatives
  • Transition to Integrative Health
  • Complementary Therapies
  • Biologically Based Therapies
  • Manipulative Body-Based Therapies
  • Energy Therapies
  • Mind-Body Therapies
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 21. Nursing in a Culturally Diverse World
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Concepts Related to Culture
  • Characteristics of Culture
  • Components of Culture
  • Culture and Health Care
  • Leininger's Sunrise Model
  • The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence
  • Integrating Cultural Knowledge in Care
  • Barriers to Integrating Culture and Care
  • Conveying Caring to Diverse Groups
  • Selected Cultural Parameters Influencing Nursing Care
  • Health Beliefs and Practices
  • Family Patterns
  • Communication Style
  • Space Orientation
  • Time Orientation
  • Nutritional Patterns
  • Pain Responses
  • Childbirth and Perinatal Care
  • Death and Dying
  • Providing Culturally Competent Care
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 22. Nursing in a Spiritually Diverse World
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Concepts Related to Spirituality
  • Spirituality, Religion, and Faith
  • Spiritual Development
  • Prayer and Meditation
  • Selected Spiritual and Religious Beliefs Influencing Nursing Care
  • Holy Days
  • Sacred Writings and Symbols
  • Dress
  • Health Beliefs and Practices
  • Spiritual Distress
  • Providing Spiritually Competent Care
  • Spiritual Assessment
  • Diagnosing, Planning, and Implementing Spiritually Competent Care
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 23. Nursing in a Culture of Violence
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Family Violence and Abuse
  • Intimate Partner Abuse
  • Family Violence and Children
  • Elder Abuse
  • Violence in the Community
  • Community Violence
  • School Violence
  • Violence in the Workplace
  • Intraprofessional Violence
  • Horizontal or Lateral Violence
  • Assessing the Effects of Violence and Abuse
  • Planning/Implementing Interventions for the Abused
  • Short-Term Interventions
  • Long-Term Interventions
  • Prevention of Violence and Abuse
  • Violence and Public Health
  • Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Strengthening the Public Health System
  • Summary
  • References
  • Unit V. Into the Future
  • Chapter 24. Advanced Nursing Education and Practice
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Advanced Nursing Education
  • Preparation for Advanced Clinical Practice
  • PhD Programs
  • Master's Degree in Nursing
  • Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Types of Advanced Practice
  • Regulation of Advanced Practice
  • The International Perspective
  • The Future of Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Selecting a Graduate Program
  • Professional Career Goals
  • Personal and Family Factors
  • Program Characteristics
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 25. Visions for the Future
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Past Events That Have Affected Nursing