Hutchinson Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval Warfare

Dictionary of terms, people, battles, and arms and armour

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Main Author: Publishing, Helicon
Format: Book
Published: Abingdon : Helicon Publishing, 2005
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Table of Contents:
  • Intro
  • Preface
  • Table of contents
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
  • A
  • Abd ar-Rahman III (891-961)
  • called 'al-Nasir' (the Victorious),
  • Abinger Castle
  • Abu Bakr (or Abu-Bekr) (573-634)
  • Acre, Siege of
  • 1189-91,
  • Acre, Siege of
  • 1291,
  • Actium, Battle of
  • Adad-nerari I (lived 13th century BC)
  • adarga
  • Adda, Battle of
  • Ad Decimum, Battle of
  • Adherbal (lived 3rd century BC)
  • admiral
  • or amir,
  • adoubment
  • (French adouber)
  • Adrianople, Battle of
  • Adrianople, Battle of
  • 718,
  • Adrianople, Battle of
  • Adrianople campaign
  • Adulterine Castle
  • Aegates Islands, Battle of the
  • Aegospotami, Battle of
  • Aeneas the Tactician
  • Aetius, Flavius (390-454)
  • African limes
  • or Fossatum Africae,
  • Agathocles (c. 361 BC-c. 289 BC)
  • agema
  • (Greek 'something leading')
  • Agesilaus II (c. 445 BC-c. 359 BC)
  • agger
  • (Latin agger 'a heap')
  • Agincourt, Battle of
  • the battle
  • Agis II (died 400 BC)
  • Agis III (died 330 BC)
  • Agis IV (died 240 BC)
  • agoge
  • Agra
  • Agricola, Gnaeus Julius (40-93)
  • Agrigentum, Siege of
  • Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (63-12 BC)
  • Ahenobarbus, Gnaeus Domitius (died 31 BC)
  • Ahmadabad
  • ('the city of Ahmad')
  • Ahmad Shah (1373-1435)
  • also known as Ahmad the Saint,
  • Ahmose (or Amosis) (lived 16th century BC)
  • Ain Jalut, Battle of
  • Ajmer
  • Ajnadayn, Battle of
  • aketon
  • akinakes
  • akritos
  • plural akritoi,
  • ala
  • plural alae,
  • (Latin 'wing')
  • Ala al-Din Husain (died 1161)
  • called 'Jahansuz' (the World-Burner),
  • Ala al-Din Khilji (died 1316)
  • Ala al-Din Khwarazm Shah (died 1221)
  • Alaca Höyük
  • al-Afdal (died 1121)
  • a la jineta
  • 'alam
  • Alarcos, Battle of
  • Alaric (c. 370-410)
  • Alashiya, battles of
  • al-Babein, Battle of
  • Albigensian Crusades
  • Albinus, Decimus Clodius (died AD 197)
  • Alcala de Guadaira
  • Alcazaba de Almeria
  • Alcázar of Segovia
  • Alcibiades (451/0-404/3 BC)
  • Alençon, Battle of
  • Alençon, Siege of
  • Alesia, Siege of
  • Alessandria, Battle of
  • Alexander Nevski, St (1220-1263)
  • Alexander (III) the Great (356-323 BC)
  • Alexius I, Comnenus (1048-1118)
  • Alfonso I (c. 1073-1134)
  • called 'the Battler',
  • Alfonso VIII (1156-1214)
  • Alfred the Great (c. 849-c. 901)
  • Algidus, Battle of the
  • Aljubarrota, Battle of
  • Allia, Battle of the
  • Allington
  • al-Mansur, Muhammad ibn Abu'Amir (lived 10th-11th centuries)
  • Almaric (lived 12th century)
  • Almourol Castle
  • almugavar
  • Alnwick Castle
  • Alnwick, Siege of
  • Alp-Arslan (c. 1029-1072)
  • Alp-Tegin (or Alptigin) (died 963)
  • Altrip fort
  • Roman Alta Ripa,
  • Alzey fort
  • Ambhi (lived 330-320 BC)
  • Greek Omphis,
  • Ambiorix (lived 1st century BC)
  • Amboise Castle
  • Amida
  • Amida, Siege of
  • Ammianus Marcellinus (lived 4th century)
  • Amphipolis, Battle of
  • Amunhotep II
  • or Amenophis II,
  • Amurru
  • (Akkadian 'Westerners')
  • anabasis
  • (Greek 'going up')
  • Anagui (or A-na-kui or A-na-huai or A-nu-kuei) (died 552)
  • anastrophe
  • An, Battle of
  • Anchialus, Battle of
  • Andernach, Battle of
  • 876,
  • Andernach, Battle of
  • 941,
  • Angers Castle
  • angon
  • Aniruddha (or Anôratha or Anawrahta) (lived 11th century)
  • Ankara, Battle of
  • An Lushan (703-757)
  • Anshizheng, Battle of (or An-shih-cheng or Ansisong)
  • Antigonus (I) Monophthalmus (c. 382-301 BC)
  • also known as Antogonus Cyclops,
  • (Latin 'One-eyed')
  • Antigonus II (319-239 BC)
  • also known as Antigonus Gonatas,
  • Antigonus (III) Doson (c. 263 BC-c. 221 BC)
  • antilabe
  • Antioch, Battle of
  • 272,
  • Antioch, Battle of
  • 1098,
  • Antiochus (I) Soter (c. 324-c. 246 BC)
  • called 'the Saviour',
  • Antiochus (III) the Great (c. 241-187 BC)
  • Antipater (c. 397-319 BC)
  • Antonine Wall
  • Ao
  • Aosta
  • Apollodorus (lived AD 97-130)
  • Appian
  • Appleby Castle
  • Apros, Battle of
  • Aqraba, Battle of (or Akraba)
  • Aquae Sextiae, Battle of
  • aquila
  • (Latin 'eagle')
  • Aquilonia, Battle of
  • Arar, Battle of the
  • Arausio, Battle of
  • Araxes, Battle of
  • modern Aras,
  • arbalest
  • (Latin arcubalista, Old French arbaleste 'hand bow')
  • Arbedo, Battle of
  • Arbon fort
  • Roman Arbor Felix,
  • Archelaus
  • Archidamus II (476-427 BC)
  • Archidamus III (died c. 338 BC)
  • arcubalista
  • Ardashir I
  • Argentoratum, Battle of
  • Arginusae Isles, Battle of the
  • Ariovistus (lived 1st century BC)
  • Arles, Battle of
  • armet
  • armiger
  • (Latin 'armour-bearer')
  • Arminius
  • German Hermann,
  • arquebus
  • (medieval High German hakebusse 'hook-gun')
  • Arques-la-Bataille Castle
  • Arrian (c.AD 86-160)
  • arrière ban
  • (French 'last resort')
  • arrow
  • Arsuf, Battle of
  • Artah, Battle of
  • Artaphernes the Elder (lived 512-493 BC)
  • Artaphernes the Younger
  • Artaxata, Battle of
  • Artaxerxes (II) Mnemon
  • called 'the Mindful',
  • Artemisium, Battle of
  • Artevelde, Philip van (1340-1382)
  • Arthur (lived 6th century)
  • Arundel Castle
  • asabiya
  • asavaran
  • or asawira,
  • asawira
  • Ascalon, Battle of
  • modern Ashkelon,
  • Asclepiodotus
  • Asculum, Siege of
  • Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle
  • Ashdown, Battle of
  • Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408)
  • Ashingdon, Battle of
  • or Assandun,
  • Asoka (or Ashoka) (died 232 BC)
  • Ashurbanipal
  • or Aššur-ban-apli,
  • Ashurnasirpal II (or Aššur-nasir-apli II) (lived 9th century BC)
  • Ashur-uballit I (lived 14th century BC)
  • ashvamedha
  • (Sanskrit 'horse-sacrifice')
  • askar
  • Aspar (died 471)
  • aspis
  • Assandun, Battle of
  • atabeg
  • (Arabic)
  • Athanaric
  • Athelstan (895-939)
  • Athens
  • Atlakh, Battle of
  • or Talas,
  • Attalus I (lived 3rd century BC)
  • Attic helmet
  • Attila (c. 406-453)
  • Auberoche, Battle of
  • Augsburg, Battle of
  • Augustus (63 BC-AD 14)
  • born Gaius Octavius or Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus - 'Octavian',
  • Aurelian (c.AD 215-275)
  • born Lucius Domitius Aurelianus,
  • Ausculum, Battle of
  • Aussig, Siege of
  • or Usti,
  • Auszug
  • Autaritus (lived 241-238 BC)
  • Autophradates (lived 390-354 BC)
  • auxilia
  • (Latin 'support troops')
  • Avarayr, Battle of
  • Avar campaigns
  • Avaricum
  • Avars
  • aventail
  • (French camail)
  • Avila
  • Axine, Battle of the
  • Aydon Castle
  • Azitawataya
  • modern Karatepe,
  • Azuchi Castle
  • Japanese Azuchi-jo,
  • B
  • Babylon
  • (Akkadian Bab-Ili 'Gate of God')
  • Babylon, Hittite raid on
  • Bach-dang River, Battle of
  • bacheler
  • baculum
  • (Latin 'baton' or 'stick')
  • Badr, Battle of
  • Baecula, Battle of
  • Baghras Castle
  • Baginton fort
  • Bagradas, Battle of the
  • Bahram Chobin (or Varahran Chobin) (died 591)
  • Bahram Shah (died 1152)
  • Baibars (lived 13th century)
  • also known as al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baybars al-Bunduqdari,
  • bakufu
  • Balathista, Battle of
  • Balban, Baha al-Din Ghiyas al-Din (1205-1285)
  • Baldwin I (1058-1118)
  • Baldwin II (died 1131)
  • Baldwin of Flanders (1171-1206)
  • Balearic sling
  • balinger
  • balista
  • ballista
  • Bamburgh Castle
  • Ban Chao (or Pan Ch'ao) (died 102)
  • bandon
  • banner
  • Banner
  • banneret
  • or knight banneret,
  • Bannockburn, Battle of
  • Banos de la Encina
  • baojia and baowu
  • or pao-chia and pao-wu,
  • Barbastro, Siege of
  • Barbiano, Alberigo da (lived 14th-15th centuries)
  • barbote
  • barbute
  • (Italian)
  • bard
  • Bari, Siege of
  • 871-75,
  • Bari, Siege of
  • 1068-71,
  • Bar Kochba Rebellion
  • Barnard Castle
  • Barnet, Battle of
  • Barons' War
  • Barons' War
  • barritus
  • Basel fort
  • Roman Basilia,
  • Basil (I) the Macedonian
  • Basil II (c. 958-1025)
  • basinet
  • or bacinet,
  • Basing, Battle of
  • bastard sword
  • bastide
  • battle
  • (from Old French bataile)
  • battle wagon
  • Baugé, Battle of
  • Bayan
  • Bayeux Tapestry
  • Bayezid II (1448-1512)
  • beaked galley
  • beaked galley, medieval
  • Beaumaris Castle
  • Bedford, John, Duke of (1389-1435)
  • Bedford Castle
  • Bedriacum, Battle of
  • Beeston Castle
  • Beizhou, Siege of
  • or Pei-chou,
  • Belatoba, Battle of
  • belfry
  • Belisarius (c. 505-565)
  • Bellême, Robert of (c. 1058-c. 1131)
  • Belmont Castle
  • Belmonte Castle
  • Belvoir Castle
  • Benevento, Battle of
  • Beneventum, Battle of
  • 275 BC,
  • Beneventum, Battle of
  • 214 BC,
  • Benkei (died 1189)
  • benming
  • or pen-ming,
  • Berkeley Castle
  • Berkhamstead Castle
  • berserk
  • Berwick, Siege of
  • Bessus (died 329 BC)
  • Beth-Horon, Battle of
  • bevor
  • Bhadravarman I (lived 4th-5th centuries)
  • Bi, Battle of
  • or Pi,
  • Bibracte, Battle of
  • bidaut
  • Bindusara (died 274 BC)
  • bireme
  • Blore Heath, Battle of
  • Bodiam Castle
  • Bodrum Castle
  • Bohemond (c. 1050-1111)
  • also known as Bohemond I de Tankerville,
  • bohort
  • (from German, 'to push, shove')
  • bokuto
  • Bolang, Battle of
  • or Po-lang,
  • bolt
  • or quarrel,
  • Bolton Castle
  • bombard
  • Bonaguil Castle
  • Boniface (died 432)
  • Latin Bonifatius,
  • Boniface of Montferrat (died 1207)
  • Borleng, Odo (lived 12th century)
  • Boromoraja I (died 1388)
  • Boromoraja II (died 1448)
  • Boromo Trailokanat (lived 15th century)
  • also known as Trailok,
  • Boroughbridge, Battle of
  • Borthwick Castle
  • Bosworth, Battle of
  • Boucicault, Jean le Maingre (lived 14th-15th centuries)
  • Boudiccan Revolt
  • boulevard
  • or bulwark,
  • Bourgthéroulde, Battle of
  • Bouvines, Battle of
  • Bovet, Honoré (c. 1340-c. 1405)
  • bow
  • bow, classical Indian
  • bow, composite